I really find this blog great because without even really thinking about it I am sucked in! The first post was regarding Google Earth, which I already am familiar with and love. In terms of education, I find this site useful because it updates readers with information about current technologies. Even better, it shows how these already fascinating tools are coming out with uprgades and things of the like.
I have not been exposed to this type of learning in any classroom settin gI have been in. In fact, this is the first time I have ever turned to a blog to gather resources. I believe that based on the fact that kids and adults alike find the internet entertaining we should use more informative tools like the blog digital goonies. Like John Dewey I believe that traditional education is not practical in the world of change we live in. A more progressive approach is necessary to meet students needs in a society that is rooted in change. Digital Goonies provides a great service by updating technological information, and it provides a great juxtaposition to the lore of textbooks as the primary source for education.
I also like to read their blog - always lots of great (and generally FREE) resources. I had the opportunity to see the blog authors present a workshop on Google Earth at the ISTE conference - I recommend it if you ever get the opportunity. I hope you get to revisit their blog frequently.